Author: Thomas Ullmann
Workshop Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments (#ARPLE11)
Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments (#ARPLE11) Workshop at the PLE conference 2011 Date 11th of July 2011 Venue: University of Southampton, UK Website: Submission deadline: 29.06.2011/04.07.2011 Proceedings Available online at: Wolfgang Reinhardt & Thomas Daniel Ullmann (eds.): Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. In…
Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments Lecture Series – Trailer
The trailer for the MUP/PLE Lecture Series in online. During the Summer 2011 the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University is running a lecture series with experts from all other Europe. The easiest way to stay updated about forthcoming events is to join the MUPPLE group on TELeurope: And here is the trailer:
Isaac Asimov about Personal Learning Environments
In this interview from 1988 Isaac Asimov envisioned already Personal Learning Environments, although he did not call them as such.
Mupple – Mashup Personal Learning Environment Lecture Series
The trailer was made in cooperation with the Sound and Vision department of the Open University. Produced by Alba Madriz in cooperation with Studio 43. After three years of MUPPLE workshops and one special issue, the state of the art in Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments will be available as a video lecture series and…
Whats new on TELeurope
During my work for the FP7 Network of Excellence STELLAR, I have been working on the social networking platform TELeurope. TELeurope is based on the open source software Elgg. Some of the highlights of TELeurope are: Complete new landing page The landing page got a complete face lift. We added a FlashVlog, which will update…
2nd International Workshop on Research 2.0 at EC-TEL 2010
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Research 2.0 The proceedings of the workshop are now online available at Please refer to this proceedings as: Erik Duval, Thomas Daniel Ullmann, Fridolin Wild, Stefanie Lindstaedt & Peter Scott (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Re- search 2.0. At the 5th European Conference on…
The afterlife of living deliverables: angels or zombies
Within the STELLAR project, we provide the possibility to use living documents for the collaborative writing work on deliverables. Compared to ‘normal‘ deliverables, ‘living’ deliverables come into existence much earlier than their delivery deadline and are expected to ‘live on’ after their official delivery to the European Commission. They are expected to foster collaboration. Within…
Mozilla Jetpack for Learning – MUPPLE II Mashup Personal Learning Environments
MUPPLE II Copy from MUPPLE II is your learning companion in the web. It supports you in learning new best practices from all the others out there – new practices in how to use tools for learning effectively. More precisely, MUPPLE II helps you to trace and replay usage strategies on the web. As…
KMi Researchers accept Mozilla ‘Jetpack for Learning’ special award
March 14th 2010 saw the Mozilla Foundation’s “Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge” awards presented at the international South by South West interactive technology festival in Austin, Texas, USA. The international community of web learning project teams started work on Firefox prototypes in December 2009. The Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge sought international project ideas that…
KMi succeeds in Mozilla Competition
Two teams from KMi participated in the ‘Jetpack for Learning Design’ challenge run by the Mozilla Foundation to revolutionize learning. And two teams from KMi made their way through to the finals. MUPPLE-II implements an end-user friendly toolkit for learning environment design and best practice sharing. MUPPLE-II helps to record activities such as ‘getting to…