Category: Call for papers
7th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning
Accepted papers Published at CEUR: Alicja Piotrkowicz, Vania Dimitrova, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Alisdair Smithies, Pat Harkin, Jane Kirby and Trudie Roberts: Quantified Self Analytics Tools for Self-regulated Learning with myPAL Angela Fessl, Viktoria Pammer, Michael Wiese and Stefan Thalmann: Improving Search Strategies of Auditors – A Focus Group on Reflection Interventions Svenja Neitzel, Christoph Rensing…
6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning
Proceedings: Milos Kravcik, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Viktoria Pammer, Michael Prilla, Thomas Ullmann (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning. In conjunction with the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Adaptive and Adaptable Learning. Lyon, France, September 13, 2016. Available online at News Highlights of the 6th…
Call for Papers Special Issue on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (IJTEL)
Update: The Special Issue is published here: Call for papers Awareness and reflection are viewed differently across the disciplines informing technology-enhanced learning (including CSCW, psychology, educational sciences and computer science). Considering the multitude of views on awareness and reflection distributed over a wide range of disciplines, we are aiming to present a special issue…
5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning
News: Update your diary. We are pleased to announce another Call for Papers to the special issue on Awareness and Reflection in TEL published in the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL): Proceedings: Milos Kravcik, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Viktoria Pammer, Michael Prilla, Thomas Ullmann (Eds.): Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection…
4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Proceedings online at Please refer to the proceedings as Milos Kravcik, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Viktoria Pammer, Michael Prilla, Thomas Ullmann, Fridolin Wild (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning. In conjunction with the 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities. Graz,…
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning
The proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced learning are now freely available at We had a good amount of submissions, but not all papers could be accepted. After the review eight papers got accepted. They are: – “Linking reflective learning and knowledge maturing in organizations” written by Birgit R.…
3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Proceedings Available online at Milos Kravcik, Birgit Krogstie, Adam Moore, Viktoria Pammer, Lucia Pannese, Michael Prilla, Wolfgang Reinhardt & Thomas Daniel Ullmann (Eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning. In conjunction with the 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Scaling up learning for sustained impact. Paphos,…
2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL12)
2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (#artel12) to be held in conjunction with EC-TEL 2012, Saarbrucken (Germany) Proceedings Online at Adam Moore, Viktoria Pammer, Lucia Pannese, Michael Prilla, Kamakshi Rajagopal,Wolfgang Reinhardt, Thomas D. Ullmann & Christian Voigt (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced…
1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks (ARNets11)
Proceedings are online at Wolfgang Reinhardt, Thomas Daniel Ullmann, Peter Scott, Viktoria Pammer, Owen Conlan & Adriana Berlange (eds.): Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks. In conjunction with the 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Towards Ubiquitous Learning 2011. Palermo, Italy, September 21, 2011. Announcement:…
Workshop Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments (#ARPLE11)
Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments (#ARPLE11) Workshop at the PLE conference 2011 Date 11th of July 2011 Venue: University of Southampton, UK Website: Submission deadline: 29.06.2011/04.07.2011 Proceedings Available online at: Wolfgang Reinhardt & Thomas Daniel Ullmann (eds.): Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. In…