Author: Thomas Ullmann
A comparable reflective writing corpus of multiple languages
Wouldn’t it be great to have a large data set of annotated reflective writings written in various languages? We might get there but let’s start with a bit of brainstorming. At first sight, the task to create a multiple languages reflective writing corpus looks like a relatively straightforward task. For example, we could use a…
Text Analytics to Improve the Student Experience
It takes about two hours to skim read all student comments of a single popular module of the Open University. But, reading alone is not enough to make sense of all those comments, which is a process that takes much longer. Everyone who has ever done a content analysis knows how much effort it takes…
Published: Automated Analysis of Reflection in Writing
The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education just published my paper on the Automated Analysis of Reflection in Writing. It is currently freely available at Springer. Find it here: The paper brings together much of the research into this new area of research that seeks to understand whether automated methods can be used…
PhD Studentships in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
My institute – the Institute of Educational Technology – and the other Schools within the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS) are offering full-time funded PhD studentships for an October 2019 start. The PhD programme is located in an environment that supports world-leading quality research. In the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014)…
PhD grants: Technology enhanced learning and learning analytics
Get one of the the Grand Union Innovation in Learning Doctoral Training Partnerships PhD Studentships with the the Institute of Educational Technology and the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education, and Language Studies at the Open University of UK. This programme is dedicated to supporting research into innovative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment. Its focus is…
Using Qualitative Data for Driving Decision-Making at Scale QAA Event
On behalf of the QAA in Scotland, the University of Edinburgh invited all Universities of Scotland to present and provide input to the ‘Using Qualitative Data for Driving Decision-Making at Scale’ event on the 28th of November 2018 ( Professor Tina Harrison, the Assistant Principal Academic Standards and Quality Assurance of the University of Edinburgh,…
7th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning
Accepted papers Published at CEUR: Alicja Piotrkowicz, Vania Dimitrova, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Alisdair Smithies, Pat Harkin, Jane Kirby and Trudie Roberts: Quantified Self Analytics Tools for Self-regulated Learning with myPAL Angela Fessl, Viktoria Pammer, Michael Wiese and Stefan Thalmann: Improving Search Strategies of Auditors – A Focus Group on Reflection Interventions Svenja Neitzel, Christoph Rensing…
Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics: Implications for Education Policy
The EU published our report on ‘Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics: Implications for Education Policy’: From the abstract: Learning analytics is an emergent field of research that is growing fast. It takes advantage of the last decade of e-learning implementations n education and training as well as of research and development…
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at the Institute of Educational Technology, the Open University
The Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University (OU) welcomes interest from external researchers looking to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship and will fully support the fellow in developing their proposal. More info at
PhD Scholarships at the Open University
Apply now for a PhD with the Open University. There will be 1 -2 extra PhD positions available in Openworld Learning funded by the Leverhulme Trust! Apply before 18 July to study with the Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET) at The Open University, UK.