Category: TEL research
IET colleagues present the latest thinking about AI and the Future of Education
Bart Rienties and I from IET, joined by Mychelle Pride (Academic Director PVC-Student) and Paul Prinsloo (Unisa), recently presented our latest thinking about AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning during the European Open and Digital Learning Week (EODLW) 2024. Our session was moderated by Sandra Kucina Softic, who is the Vice President of…
Strong IET presence at the EDEN 2024 conference
IET was strongly represented at this year’s EDEN conference, where Denise Whitelock and Thomas Ullmann gave presentations about generative AI for teaching and learning. EDEN is the flagship conference of Europe’s leading network for advancing digital education. This year, it was held in sunny Graz, Austria, from June 16 to 19, 2024, with a great…
OpenLearn Create analytics using R
I was invited to speak at the Open TEL Learning at Scale Special Interest Group about my work on the Fleming project. I am the Data Analytics lead of the Fleming fund project at the Open University, which is also the global learning lead for Fleming. In my presentation, I focused on how I compile…
Simon Penn’s viva success
Please join us in congratulating our EdD student and WELS colleague Simon Penn, who successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘A comparative analysis of the comprehension of text and screencast feedback by distance learning students’. The examiners recommended a pass without corrections. The panel chair noted that the three examiners were impressed with the quality of…
Randomising the word order of a text
To share texts with others, it occasionally may be necessary to obfuscate what was written so that it is not so easy to understand what a person has said. The following approach randomly changes the word order in a text. This makes it hard to understand the person’s writing, which helps towards anonymisation. Of course,…
List of useful commands
Here is a list of commands that I use on a regular basis to explore texts: grep -Ir –exclude=”*\.svn*” “pattern” *It searches recursively, ignores binary files, and doesn’t look inside Subversion hidden folders. grep mit colour option: grep -ri –color=auto “needle” . only tex files: grep -ir –color=auto –include=’*.tex’ ‘needle’ . Searching in the BAWE…
Viva success of Huda Alrashidi
Congratulations to Huda Alrashidi, who passed her PhD viva. Well done for your excellent work entitled ‘Reflective Writing Analysis for Computer Science Education using a Machine Learning-based Approach’ from your supervisors, Mike Joy and myself, and from the whole of the Institute of Educational Technology and the Computer Science Department of Warwick University. Her external…
PhD studentships 2021
Every year, the Open University announces several opportunities to apply for PhD and EdD studentships. These grants typically cover any study fees, provide a monthly tax-free bursary, and on top of that a research training grant. If you are interested in Educational Technology, there are currently two good opportunities for you to apply for a…
A comparable reflective writing corpus of multiple languages
Wouldn’t it be great to have a large data set of annotated reflective writings written in various languages? We might get there but let’s start with a bit of brainstorming. At first sight, the task to create a multiple languages reflective writing corpus looks like a relatively straightforward task. For example, we could use a…
Using Qualitative Data for Driving Decision-Making at Scale QAA Event
On behalf of the QAA in Scotland, the University of Edinburgh invited all Universities of Scotland to present and provide input to the ‘Using Qualitative Data for Driving Decision-Making at Scale’ event on the 28th of November 2018 ( Professor Tina Harrison, the Assistant Principal Academic Standards and Quality Assurance of the University of Edinburgh,…