

If  you cannot see the papers (the wheels are spinning), please visit Last update 21 August 2024.


Ullmann, T. D., Edwards, C., Bektik, D., Herodotou, C., & Whitelock, D. (2024). Towards Generative AI for Course Content Production: Expert Reflections. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 26(s1), 20–34.
Bektik, D., Ullmann, T. D., Edwards, C., & Herodotou, C. (2024). PVC-Challenges Response: AI for course content generation (PVC-Challenges Response) [Quality Enhancement and Innovation]. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Bektik, D., Ullmann, T. D., Edwards, C., Herodotou, C., & Whitelock, D. (2024). AI-Powered Curricula: Unpacking the Potential and Progress of Generative Technologies in Education. Annual Conference on European Distance and E-Learning Network, EDEN 2024, Graz, Austria.
Ullmann, T. D., Bektik, D., Edwards, C., Herodotou, C., & Whitelock, D. (2024, August 28). Teaching with Generative AI: moving forward with content creation. Learning in the Age of AI: Towards Imaginative Futures. Annual Conference on European Distance and E-Learning Network, EDEN 2024, Graz, Austria.
Leedham, M., Shrestha, P., Therova, D., Tuck, J., & Ullmann, T. (2024, July). Disciplines, demographics and attainment: Creating corpora of student writing and lecturer feedback. 7th Corpora & Discourse International Conference #CADS2024, Innsbruck University, Austria.
Ullmann, T. D., & Muc, M. (2024). Quarter 18 report (April – June 2024) (Fleming Fund Phase II: OpenLearn Create Analytics and Insights Report). The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., & Muc, M. (2024). Quarter 17 report (January – March 2024) (Fleming Fund Phase II: OpenLearn Create Analytics and Insights Report). The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D. (2024). Quarter 16 report (October – December 2023) (Fleming Fund Phase II: OpenLearn Create Analytics and Insights Report). The Open University.
Leedham, M., Tuck, J., Shrestha, P., Ullmann, T., & Therova, D. (2024). Student Writing and Tutor Assessment Practices (SWaTAP) [Scholarship report]. The Open University Scholarship Exchange.



Alrashidi, H., Almujally, N., Kadhum, M., Ullmann, T. D., & Joy, M. (2022). Evaluating an Automated Analysis Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Approaches to Classify Computer Science Students’ Reflective Writing. In G. Ranganathan, R. Bestak, & X. Fernando (Eds.), Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (pp. 463–477). Springer Nature.
Alrashidi, H., Almujally, N., Kadhum, M., Quqandi, E., Ullmann, T. D., & Joy, M. (2022). How to Assess Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education? A Critical Analysis. 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 677–682.



Alrashidi, H., Ullmann, Thomas Daniel, T., & Joy, M. (2020). An empirical evaluation of a Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–9.
Alrashidi, H., Ullmann, T. D., Ghounaim, S., & Joy, M. (2020, March 24). A Framework for Assessing Reflective Writing Produced Within the Context of Computer Science Education. Companion Proceedings 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20).
Alrashidi, H., Joy, M., Ullmann, T. D., & Almujally, N. (2020). Validating the Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Assessing Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education Through Manual Annotation. In V. Kumar & C. Troussas (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 323–326). Springer International Publishing.
Alrashidi, H., Joy, M., Ullmann, T. D., & Almujally, N. (2020). Educators’ Validation on a Reflective Writing Framework (RWF) for Assessing Reflective Writing in Computer Science Education. In V. Kumar & C. Troussas (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 316–322). Springer International Publishing.
Ullmann, T. D., & Brasher, A. (2020). Text analytics to inform module changes: TASC workshop report (Quality Enhancement Innovation Report Series, p. 39) [QEI report]. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D. (2020). Demo of the SEaM Text Analytics Report for the TASC pilot May 2020 (Version 0.1) [TASC module project]. The Open University.
Brasher, A., & Ullmann, T. D. (2020). Text analytics to inform module changes: TASC pilot study 1 (Quality Enhancement Innovation Report Series, p. 46) [QEI report]. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D. (2020). Propensity score analysis of the L161 peer assessment activity (Quality Enhancement Innovation Report Series) [QEI report]. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Kubiak, C., & Ullmann, T. D. (2020). Student support advisors: context, practice and impact (Quality Enhancement Innovation Report Series) [QEI report]. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.


Ullmann, T. D. (2019, June). Reflective writing analytics – Validating machine learning approaches. Computer and Learning Research Group Annual Conference (CALRG), The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Alrashidi, H., Joy, M., & Ullmann, T. D. (2019). A Reflective Writing Framework for Computing Education. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 295–295.
Ullmann, T. D., Liddo, A. D., & Bachler, M. (2019). A Visualisation Dashboard for Contested Collective Intelligence Learning Analytics to Improve Sensemaking of Group Discussion. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 22(1), 41–80.
Clow, D., Coughlan, T., Cross, S., Edwards, C., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Nguyen, Q., Rienties, B., Thorne, S., & Ullmann, T. (2019). Scholarly insight Winter 2019: a Data wrangler perspective (Scholarly Insight Series, pp. 1–47). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D. (2019). Automated Analysis of Reflection in Writing: Validating Machine Learning Approaches. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 29(2), 217–257.


Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., Cross, S., Gaved, M., Jones, E., Hidalgo, R., Evans, G., Lowe, S., Calder, K., Clow, D., Coughlan, T., Herodotou, C., Mangafa, C., & Rienties, B. (2018). Scholarly insight Spring 2018: a Data wrangler perspective (Scholarly Insight Series). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., Coughlan, T., Lister, K., Cross, S., Rienties, B., & Whitelock, D. (2018). Understanding SEaM student comments from a Big(ger) Data perspective: what are students saying? 39.
Charitonos, K., Collier, C., Edwards, C., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Marr, L., Mayles, K., Brasher, A., Lay, S., & Ullmann, T. D. (2018). Group Tuition Policy – Academic Evaluation (No. S-2018-01-10; Report of Education Committee Working Group on the Academic Evaluation of the Group Tuition Policy (GTP) to the Senate). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.


Coughlan, T., Ullmann, T. D., & Lister, K. (2017). Understanding Accessibility as a Process through the Analysis of Feedback from Disabled Students. Proceedings of the 14th International Web for All Conference, 1–10.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ Nations report for Spring. The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ Nations report for Autumn. The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for WELS (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for STEM (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for LTI. The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for FBL (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Lay, S., & Rienties, B. (2017). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for FASS (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Kravcik, M., Mikroyannidis, A., Pammer, V., Prilla, M., & Ullmann, T. D. (Eds.). (2017). Special Issue on: Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (Vol. 9). Inderscience.
Ullmann, T. D. (2017). Group tuition policy – Analysis of SEaM open-ended questions (Group Tuition Policy Evaluation) [Report to the Group Tuition Policy evaluation working group]. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Rienties, B., Rogaten, J., Nguyen, Q., Edwards, C., Gaved, M., Holt, D., Herodotou, C., Clow, D., Cross, S., Coughlan, T., Jones, J., & Ullmann, T. (2017). Scholarly Insight Spring 2017: a Data Wrangler Perspective (Scholarly Insight Series). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Rienties, B., Clow, D., Coughlan, T., Cross, S., Edwards, C., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Hlosta, M., Jones, J., Rogaten, J., & Ullmann, T. (2017). Scholarly insight Autumn 2017: a Data wrangler perspective (Scholarly Insight Series). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Rienties, B., Cross, S., Marsh, V., & Ullmann, T. (2017). Making sense of learner and learning Big Data: reviewing 5 years of Data Wrangling at the Open University UK. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning.
Ullmann, T. D. (2017). Reflective Writing Analytics: Empirically Determined Keywords of Written Reflection. Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, 163–167.


Ferguson, R., Brasher, A., Clow, D., Cooper, A., Hillaire, G., Mittelmeier, J., Rienties, B., Ullmann, T. D., & Vuorikari, R. (2016). Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics – Implications for Education Policy (R. Vuorikari & J. Castano Munoz, Eds.). Publications Office of the European Union.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Slee, A., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2016). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for FBL (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Slee, A., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2016). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for IET (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Slee, A., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2016). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for STEM (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Slee, A., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2016). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for WELS (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Slee, A., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2016). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for FASS (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D., Marsh, V., Slee, A., Cross, S., & Rienties, B. (2016). DW – Data wranglers’ key metric report for CICP (Key Metric Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Rienties, B., Edwards, C., Gaved, M., Marsh, V., Herodotou, C., Clow, D., Cross, S., Coughlan, T., Jones, J., & Ullmann, T. D. (2016). Scholarly insight 2016: a Data wrangler perspective (Scholarly Insight Series). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D. (2016). FELS CYE IET Wranglers Report Spring 2016. In-depth analysis of ED841 in the context of its qualifications (Data Wrangler Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Brasher, A., Cooper, A., Ferguson, R., Hillaire, G., Mittelmeier, J., Rienties, B., & Ullmann, T. D. (2016). LAEP – Inventory and literature review, including a proposal for the case study templates (Deliverable No. D2.2; The Implications and Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational Policy (LAEP)). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Brasher, A., Ferguson, R., Hillaire, G., Mittelmeier, J., Rienties, B., & Ullmann, T. D. (2016). LAEP – In-Depth Case Studies (Deliverable No. D3; The Implications and Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational Policy (LAEP)). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ferguson, R., Brasher, A., Cooper, A., Hillaire, G., Mittelmeier, J., Rienties, B., & Ullmann, T. D. (2016). LAEP – The Implications and Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational Policy (Deliverable No. D5.2; The Implications and Opportunities of Learning Analytics for European Educational Policy (LAEP)). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Kravcik, M., Mikroyannidis, A., Pammer, V., Prilla, M., & Ullmann, T. D. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning In conjunction with the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Adaptive and Adaptable Learning.


Ullmann, T. D. (2015). Automated detection of reflection in texts. A machine learning based approach [PhD Thesis, The Open University].
Ullmann, T. D. (2015). Keywords of written reflection – a comparison between reflective and descriptive datasets. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1465, 83–96.
Ullmann, T. D. (2015). FELS CYE Studies Data Wrangling Report Autumn 2015: Individual module and programme level analysis (Data Wrangler Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Ullmann, T. D. (2015). FELS Language Studies Data Wrangling Report Autumn 2015: Comparative analysis of individual modules and qualification focused analysis (Data Wrangler Reports). Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University.
Parent, M.-A., Liddo, A. D., Ullmann, T. D., & Klein, M. (2015). Catalyst – Project Testbed: Argument Mapping and Deliberation Analytics (Deliverable No. D4.2b; Catalyst – Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation).
Kravcik, M., Mikroyannidis, A., Pammer, V., Prilla, M., & Ullmann, T. D. (Eds.). (2015). Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning In conjunction with the 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, ARTEL@ECTEL 2015, Toledo, Spain, September 15, 2015 (Vol. 1465).


Ullmann, T. D., Liddo, A. D., & Bachler, M. (2014). Catalyst – Collective Intelligence Analytics Dashboard Usability Evaluation (Deliverable No. D4.6; Catalyst – Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation). The Open University.
Kravcik, M., Mikroyannidis, A., Pammer, V., Prilla, M., Ullmann, T. D., & Wild, F. (Eds.). (2014). Proceedings of the 4th workshop on awareness and reflection in technology enhanced learning.


Ullmann, T. D., Wild, F., & Scott, P. (2013). Reflection – quantifying a rare good. In M. Kravcik, B. R. Krogstie, A. Moore, V. Pammer, L. Pannese, M. Prilla, W. Reinhardt, & T. D. Ullmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (pp. 29–40).
Kravcik, M., Krogstie, B. R., Moore, A., Pammer, V., Pannese, L., Prilla, M., Reinhardt, W., & Ullmann, T. D. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning.
Meyer, P., Kelle, S., Ullmann, T. D., Scott, P., & Wild, F. (2013). Interdisciplinary Cohesion of TEL – An Account of Multiple Perspectives. In D. Hernández-Leo, T. Ley, R. Klamma, & A. Harrer (Eds.), Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact (pp. 219–232). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


Ullmann, T. D., Wild, F., & Scott, P. (2012). Comparing Automatically Detected Reflective Texts with Human Judgements. In A. Moore, V. Pammer, L. Pannese, M. Prilla, K. Rajagopal, W. Reinhardt, T. D. Ullmann, & C. Voigt (Eds.), 2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning.
Ullmann, T. (2012, March 15). Co-citation analysis of the topic Social Network Analysis. Co(n)de(n)SSence.
Aceto, S., Proli, D., Padron Napoles, C., Persico, D., Pozzi, F., Herder, E., De Vries, F., Dondi, C., Joubert, M., Bligh, B., Wild, F., & Ullmann, T. D. (2012). STELLAR D5.3.3 Report on Community Building with Stakeholders (STELLAR Network of Excellence) [Deliverable].
Vries, F., Crook, C., Aceto, S., Padron Napoles, C., Persico, D., Specht, M., Dondi, C., Proli, D., Joubert, M., Bligh, B., & Ullmann, T. D. (2012). STELLAR D5.4 Summative Evaluation, stakeholder community and its sustainability (STELLAR Network of Excellence) [Deliverable].
Wild, F., Ullmann, T. D., Anastasiou, L., Scott, P., Kraker, P., Lindstaedt, S., Parra, G., Vandeputte, B., Duval, E., Nagel, T., Herder, E., Schweiger, S., & Balacheff, N. (2012). STELLAR D6.6 The STELLAR Research 2.0 Infrastructure (STELLAR Network of Excellence) [Deliverable].
Ullmann, T. D. (2012). On the automated detection of reflective writings. Proceedings of the 2012 CRC PhD Student Conference. CRC Conference – The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Moore, A., Pammer, V., Prilla, M., Rajagopal, K., Reinhardt, W., Ullmann, T. D., & Voigt, C. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning.
Sie, R. L. L., Ullmann, T. D., Rajagopal, K., Cela, K., Bitter-Rijpkema, M., & Sloep, P. B. (2012). Social network analysis for technology-enhanced learning: review and future directions. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(3), 172–190.




Wild, F., Ullmann, T. D., Valentine, C., Kraker, P., Fessl, A., Lindstaedt, S., Duval, E., Govaerts, S., Vebert, K., Crespo, R., Zeiliger, J., Balacheff, N., Kieslinger, B., & Ochoa, X. (2009). STELLAR D6.3 Science 2.0 Mash-Ups (STELLAR Network of Excellence) [Deliverable].
Nazemi, K., Ullmann, T. D., & Hornung, C. (2009). Engineering User Centered Interaction Systems for Semantic Visualizations. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Addressing Diversity (Vol. 5614, pp. 126–134). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Ullmann, T. D., Uren, V. S., & Nikolov, A. (2009). The SemSearchXplorer – Exploring Semantic Search Results with Semantic Visualizations. In S. Fischer, E. Maehle, & R. Reischuk (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Informatics (Vol. 154, pp. 3064–3076). Gesellschaft für Informatik.