- Update your diary. We are pleased to announce another Call for Papers to the special issue on Awareness and Reflection in TEL published in the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL): http:/
/ info/ ingeneral/ cfp.php?id=2965.
Milos Kravcik, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Viktoria Pammer, Michael Prilla, Thomas Ullmann (Eds.): Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning. In conjunction with the 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, Toledo, Spain, September 15, 2015. Available online at http:/
Call for papers
5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2015) to be held in the context of the EC-TEL 2015, Toledo, Spain: 15 September 2015 (Tuesday).
Workshop webpage: http:/
Twitter hashtag: #artel15
Awareness and reflection are viewed differently across the disciplines informing Technology Enhanced Learning (CSCW, psychology, educational sciences, computer science and others). The ARTEL workshop series brings together researchers and professionals from different backgrounds to provide a forum for discussing the multi-faceted area of awareness and reflection. 2015 will be the 5th workshop in the series.
Through the last ARTEL workshops at EC-TEL the addressed topics are converging towards the usage of awareness and reflection in practice, its implementation in modern organisations, its impact on learners and questions of feasibility and sustainability for awareness and reflection in education and work. To reflect the growing maturity of research in ARTEL over the years this year’s topic particularly invites contributions that deal with the application of awareness and reflection in practice.
The motto of the workshop this year is:
‘Awareness and Reflection in Practice: How can awareness and reflection technology become common in work practice and how does it change work practices?’
The workshop aims at:
- Providing a forum for presenting and discussing research on awareness and reflection in TEL.
- Creating an interactive experience that connects participants’ research, current tools or latest prototypes and models with real end users’ learning experiences and requirements regarding reflection technology.
- Creating an agenda for future ARTEL research and development.
Proceedings of the predecessor workshops are available via http:/
Topics of interest
Considering the multitude of views on awareness and reflection distributed over a wide range of disciplines (CSCW, psychology, educational sciences, computer science…) the workshop’s theme is encapsulated in the following questions:
- How can awareness and reflection support learning in different settings (work, education, continuing professional development, lifelong learning, etc)?
- What are the role(s) that technology can play in these contexts?
For ARTEL 2015 we particularly invite contributions that address the theme of ‘Awareness and Reflection in Practice’ (but not restrict contributions to this theme):
- How can awareness and reflection technology become common in work practice and how does it change work practices?
- How can we include user groups with different backgrounds (education, IT-exposure etc.) into using awareness and reflection in TEL?
- What are the success factors and barriers for awareness and reflection in TEL (trust, privacy, socio-technical aspects etc.)?
To answer the above and related questions, we are looking for contributions that address the following aspects:
- Theoretical discussion of awareness and reflection in TEL and related concepts (e.g., collaborative learning, creativity techniques, experiential learning, etc.).
- Methodologies to identify, study and analyse awareness and reflection in the context of (technology-enhanced) learning (quantitative and qualitative methods, learning analytics, visualisations etc.).
- Empirical studies about technology support for awareness and reflection.
- Technology (design, application, evaluation) supporting awareness and reflection.
- Designing awareness and reflection in TEL applications and processes.
- Using awareness and reflection support to enhance the learning experience.
- Awareness of social context, knowledge, artefacts and processes.
- Awareness and reflection in specific contexts, such as higher education, work-integrated learning, learning networks, etc.
Full papers: Description of novel theoretical, empirical or development work on awareness and reflection in TEL, including a substantial contribution to the field (up to 15 pages).
Work in progress: Ongoing research and current approaches on investigating the field, with initial insights for the community (up to 7 pages).
Demos: Prototypes, design studies and tools for the support of awareness and reflection in TEL, which can be demoed and discussed (up to 3 pages).
All contributions will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the programme committee evaluating their originality, significance, and rigour. The papers will be published in the CEUR workshop proceedings (http:/
Please submit your paper via EasyChair: https:/
We encourage authors, who submitted to the ARTEL15 and previous workshops, to consider submitting to the special issue on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning to be published in the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL): http:/
Submitting first to the workshop can provide you with valuable thinking points that may be helpful for the journal submission. Questions regarding the special issue can be discussed during the workshop or via Email. Please note that the workshop papers must have been substantially revised prior to the journal submission (see http:/
Important dates
30.06.2015 10.07.2015 Submission Deadline
10.08.2015 Notification of Acceptance
30.08.2015 Camera-Ready Papers
15.09.2015 Workshop
30.10.2015 Publication of Workshop Proceedings
ARTEL format
ARTEL 2015 is targeted at research and development on awareness and reflection in TEL across disciplines (CSCW, psychology, educational science, computer science) and across European TEL projects (EmployID, weSPOT, FORGE and others as co-organizing projects). The target audience of ARTEL 2015 are researchers and practitioners in the field of TEL.
The workshop will include a paper session, a demo and prototype slam as well as an interactive session.
The workshop will last for a full day (around 7 hours of working time) and will consist of four main parts of 1.5h-2h each, bookended with introductions and summaries. Besides the discussion of novel research and work in progress, this year’s ARTEL edition will contain a session of demoing and discussing tools, especially prototypes and cutting-edge development, in which researchers and practitioners can discuss their ideas for the support of awareness and reflection in learning.
The workshop format will be a mixture of paper and demo presentations, and a discussion session in which we will link theory and existing prototypes (both from the involved projects and from the presented papers and demos) to practical needs in educational and professional settings (research agenda). This link is expected to be of value to both practitioners (in that research insights become more tangible), and to researchers (in that insights and research prototypes become grounded in practice). There will be an overall narrative trajectory throughout the day moving from theory at the beginning of the workshop to pragmatic implementations at the close.
Milos Kravcik, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Alexander Mikroyannidis, The Open University, United Kingdom
Viktoria Pammer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Michael Prilla, University of Bochum, Germany
Thomas Ullmann, The Open University, United Kingdom
Programme Committee
Philippe Dessus, Université Pierre-Mendès-France, France
Ines Di Loreto, UTT – Université de Technologie de Troyes, France
Eva Durall, Aalto University, Finland
Nils Faltin, IMC AG, Germany
Rebecca Ferguson, The Open University, UK
Angela Fessl, Know-Center, Austria
Michael, Kickmeier-Rust, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada
Simon Knight, The Open University, UK
Effie Law, University of Leicester, UK
Paul Lefrere, The Open University, UK
Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Carsten Ullrich, DFKI, Germany
Dominique Verpoorten, University of Liège, Belgium
Riina Vuorikari, European Commission JRC IPTS, Spain
Workshop schedule – Tuesday 15th of September
Full papers presentations (25 min presentation and 5 min discussion)
Work in progress paper presentation (15 min presentation and 5 min discussion)
Short discussion papers (15 min presentation and 5 min discussion)
9:30 – 9:40 Introduction to the workshop
Technology enhanced reflection and awareness in formal education (80min)
Dominique Verpoorten, Wim Westera and Marcus Specht. Effects of isolated versus combined reflective enactments in an online course – An exploratory study. (25+5)
Michael A. Bedek, Michael Kickmeier-Rust and Dietrich Albert. Formal Concept Analysis for Modelling Students in a Technology-enhanced Learning Setting. (15+5)
Sophie Tasnier, Valeria Busoni, Christian Hanzen, Géraldine Bolen, Catherine Delguste, Nadine Antoine, Véronique Delvaux, Art Tatiana, Jean-François Van de Poël and Dominique Verpoorten. Learning to look – Purpose and design of an awareness-raising online course in veterinary sciences. (15+5)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
Technology enhanced reflection and awareness outside formal education (90min)
Oliver Blunk and Michael Prilla. Prompting users to facilitate support needs in collaborative reflection. (25+5)
Nils Faltin and Margret Jung. A course concept for enhancing reflective learning – bringing research project results into the field. (15+5)
Eva Durall. Feeler: supporting awareness and reflection through EEG data. (15+5)
Viktoria Pammer. Mood in the City – Data-Driven Reflection on Mood in Relation to Public Spaces. (15+5)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break
Methods and analytics of awareness and reflection research in technology enhanced learning (80min)
Thomas Ullmann. Keywords of written reflection – a comparison of a reflective and descriptive dataset. (25+5)
Alana Morais, Ivana Marenzi and Deirdre Kantz. The LearnWeb Formative Assessment Module: Supporting Awareness and Reflection in Blended Courses. (15+5)
Alexander Mikroyannidis, Aitor Gomez-Goiri, John Domingue, Christos Tranoris, Daan Pareit, Jono Vanhie-Van Gerwen and Johann Marquez-Barja. Deploying Learning Analytics for Awareness and Reflection in Online Scientific Experimentation. (15+5)
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 Closing plenary discussion
Supporting projects
LEARNING LAYERS: Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters: http:/
weSPOT: Propagating scientific inquiry for science learning and teaching: http:/
EmployID: Scalable & cost-effective facilitation of professional identity transformation in public employment services: http:/
BOOST: Business perfOrmance imprOvement through individual employee Skills Training: http:/
FORGE: Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE) is a project bringing the FIRE and eLearning worlds together: http:/
LACE: The Learning Analytics Community Exchange: http:/
Social platform
To stay tuned, consider joining the ARTEL social space on TELeurope: http:/
It is easy to join. First register an account on http:/
The workshop will take place as part of the 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), will take place in Toledo, Spain, September 15-18, 2015.
The overall theme of EC-TEL 2015 will be Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World.
Developments in information and communication technology, for example new communication patterns like in social applications, mobile devices and ubiquitous network access, together with social and economical changes lead to a networked world. The increasing networking in different scales from global to local is having a profound effect on learning and teaching. It makes new forms of collaborative and personalized learning experiences reality. Learners shift between formal, non-formal and informal learning. They come together in different social settings and communities. Teachers roles are also subject to change.
There is a pressing need to shape learning arrangements in such a way that they exploit the potentials and meet the requirements of a networked world. To address these challenges the theme of EC-TEL 2015 is ‘Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World’.
For more information visit http:/